Drama Letter Requirements
1. The student must be in at least one class OR production each semester.
2. The student must be an active Drama Club member. 3. The student must be a part of at least one production each year, as either an actor or crew member. 4. The student must be involved with the drama program for at least two years. |
Fine Arts Theatre Magnet Requirements
The following requirements must be fulfilled before a Magnet student can earn an additional fine arts diploma seal and honor graduation cord.
- Student will participate in a minimum of one theatre class each year: acting, technical theatre, or musical theatre.
- Student will be involved in auditioning, producing, and performing on one show each year (on stage or backstage)
- Student will assist with house managing or another technical element with shows they are not involved with.
- Student will maintain a 3.5 GPA in all theatre classes.